
Westvale Park

Primary Academy

Always Children First


In our 'Amazing Discoveries' topic, we will be diving into the lives of famous explorers, and discussing historic events that took place. We will building on our geographical knowledge through learning about the 7 continents and 5 oceans. This will support our knowledge in Science, as we will be observing changes across the four seasons. 


During our Maths we will be exploring place value up to 50 and extending our addition and subtraction knowledge. As Mathematicians we will be developing an understanding of length, height, mass and volume. 


Spring Topic: 

Amazing Discoveries 


Geography Focus: The World 


This half term we will be focusing on the following enquiry question within our topic: 

  • Where are the hottest and coldest climates in the World and why? 


Key texts this term include: 

  • Man on the Moon - Simon Bartram 

  • Christopher Columbus - Minna Lacey 

  • Beegu - Alexis Deacon 

