
Westvale Park

Primary Academy

Always Children First

Teacher notices



  • We encourage you to read with your child 5 times a week, to foster a love of reading within your child.
  • As soon as your child is ready, we will send home reading books for them to read at home. Until then we encourage reading of story books for pleasure.
  • Once your child is allocated a reading book, they will be collected in at school on a Wednesday and new reading books will be given out to children on a Thursday. 
  • Please remember to write in your child's reading journal every time they have read and send their reading folder to school in their book bag each day.
  • Your child will visit the library on Wednesdays.




  • Hedgehog Class have a PE lesson every Tuesday.
  • This half term we will be building your child's confidence in independently changing into their PE kits and uniform.
  • PE will take place inside and outside in the Autumn term.
  • Please ensure all your child's PE kit is labelled.
  • PE kits will be sent home with children on the last week of each half term.




  • Although children are not given formal homework in Reception, we encourage children to access the Reading Eggs app at home.
  • Children will be given certificates regularly to award their progress.

