School Ethos for SEND
From time to time, some children may need additional help, either to overcome a learning difficulty or to ensure that the curriculum fully matches their ability. Specialist help is available within the school. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), Anica De Sa Pereira, oversees the work of a team of specialists and classroom assistants who support and advise Class Teachers.
At Westvale Park Primary Academy School and Nursery, we believe that every child is entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum. We aim to provide a caring learning environment, rich in stimulation, that will meet the needs of all pupils, and foster their academic, emotional and physical development in order that every child reaches their full potential.
The SENCo regularly contacts parents to keep them updated with any issues or considerations of new strategies. Parents can contact or make an appointment to see or talk to the SENCo at a convenient time if they have a concern or need advice.
The broad areas of SEND are:
Communication and Interaction
Cognition and Learning
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
Sensory and/or Physical
High quality first teaching and additional interventions are defined through our annual dialogue across the school contributing to our provision management approach. These documents help us to regularly review and record what we offer EVERY child/young person in our care and what we offer additionally. These discussions also serve to embed our high expectations amongst staff about quality first teaching and the application of a differentiated and personalised approach to teaching and learning. We make it point to discuss aspirations with ALL our learners.
Underpinning ALL our provision in school is the graduate approach cycle of:
All teachers are responsible for every child in their care; including those with special educational needs. Having consulted with children, young people and their parents, all our additional provision (internal or external) is based on an agreed outcomes approach.
The Headteacher, Mrs Kelly, became a Special Needs Coordinator in 2013. She has been a Designated Safeguarding Lead and in charge of Children Looked After since 2016. She has led Quality First Teaching initiatives, and been inclusion leader in two schools. Her passion is still prevalent and, as a result, we prioritise staff training in Quality First Teaching so that all learners thrive.
For more information on the Surrey Local Offer click here.