
Westvale Park

Primary Academy

Always Children First


Westvale Park is a school that puts music at its heart.  Whether a child has individual instrumental tuition, enjoys playing instruments in class music lessons or adores singing hymns and songs in assembly, every pupil has the opportunity to develop musical skills and knowledge that will start a lifetime of musical appreciation and enjoyment.


Westvale Park Primary Academy are passionate about all children having the opportunities to participate in high quality music tuition. This is why we invest in a dedicated music teacher, who visits our school once per week to deliver engaging lessons for every pupil. 


Younger children are encouraged to experience music through the use of visual aids, action songs, simple percussion instruments, games, nursery rhymes and more.


Research has shown that encouraging children to take part in music sessions from an early age helps to boost their cognitive ability. It can also give them a sense of fun, the ability to work in a team, and increase self-esteem. These skills, learnt at a young age, last a lifetime.


Children are encouraged to:

  • develop musical skills, such as rhythm and pulse
  • learn about pitch and dynamics
  • experiment with sound on a variety of percussion instruments
  • make new friends and work as a team
  • sing together
  • appreciate and critique music from a wide range of genres, eras and culture

Children have the opportunity to join a range of musical ensembles during their time at Westvale Park; including our Sing Up club.  Throughout the year, a range of varied performances take place, both within the school and at other venues. None of our ensembles have a minimum standard to be able to join; all are welcome. 

To find out more about our music partner and to book violin and piano lessons in our school click here
