
Westvale Park

Primary Academy

Always Children First


Autumn 1 Topic: 

Me and My Community 


In the Me and My Community project, your child will learn about the school community and building friendships. They will explore the school grounds and find out about all the people in school who are there to help them. They will explore how they are special and unique and how everyone’s family is different. They will take part in practical activities to support them to build new friendships and explore what makes a good friend. They will also find out about people in the community who help us, including doctors, nurses, and the emergency services. 

Supporting your child at home 

  • Look at family photographs together and discuss who is part of your family and extended family. 

  • Talk about the things you like to do together and places you like to go. 

In the Exploring Autumn project, your child will go on a woodland walk to learn about the seasonal changes that happen in autumn. They will learn about birds and animals that live in the woods and how they survive as the weather gets colder. They will take part in practical and creative activities that will support them to learn about autumn. 

Supporting your child at home 

  • Go on a walk around your local area and talk about what happens to trees and plants during autumn. Take some pictures to share at school. 

  • Collect leaves, seeds, nuts and berries to add to an autumn collection. 

  • Make some bird food to feed the birds as the weather gets colder. 

Key texts 

  • Colour Monster - Anna Llenas 

  • We Are All Different- Twinkl original 

  • It’s Okay to be Different- Todd Parr 

  • Families, Families, Families- Suzanne Lang 

  • All About Families-Felicity Brooks 

Big Wide World and Splash! - Happy Bunnies
