Welcome to the Owls Class page.
Owls Class staff:
Class Teacher: Mr J. Shepherd
Year 3 Teaching Assistant: Miss S Rutledge
Please scroll down to find our Topic Web's which give a detailed outline as to what Owls will be learning each term.
Below is some useful information about our class.
- We encourage you to read with your children at home at least 5 times a week to foster a love of reading within your child. Children will have a ZPD and therefore they know which colour book they should be reading.
- We encourage your child to change their book as and when they need to in our class libraries so that they will always have a book to read.
- Please remember to write in your child's reading journal every time they have read at home. We also encourage the children in Year 3 to write a comment in their reading journal.
- Every 5 reads recorded will be noted and your child will earn a raffle ticket which will be entered into a prize draw.
- To take Accelerated Reader book quizzes at home, visit:
- Children need to come to school wearing their PE kit on a Monday.
- Children are asked to read their books at home as much as is possible. This will encourage children to learn new words and be able to write for longer.
- TT Rockstars for at least 5 minutes every day to improve their speed and recall of multiplications!
- Children should complete Accelerated Reader (AR) quizzes on the books they have read within 24 hours of finishing the book. If you are finding it difficult to access AR please speak to your child's class teacher.
Forest School
- Your child will attend a forest school session on a Friday, once every two weeks.
- Clothing will be kept at school.
- Children should have wet weather suits for these sessions to ensure that they are covered and safe.
- Children are split into either Group A or Group B
- Children will be getting their wet weather suits muddy! This is all part of the forest school experience. We are developing children's outdoor experiences and resilience.