
Westvale Park

Primary Academy

Always Children First


Maths is all around us. Learning to understand the number system is one of the most critical concepts that pupils will learn at Westvale Park Primary Academy. So much learning depends on a secure grasp of number and the curriculum prioritises giving children opportunities to deepen their understanding. Our goal is for all children to be confident mathematicians and resilient problem solvers who can access a wide range of mathematical contexts and clearly articulate their reasoning. We want pupils to develop a love for mathematics and that playing with numbers is fun. 


Our pupils develop a love of numbers to establish themselves as lifelong problem solvers. We promote both individual depth of knowledge and collaborative problem solving skills. We set a high profile for maths in our school and everyone across the school community helps to promote its importance.


We follow the teaching sequence outlined by the White Rose Maths Hub schemes of learning. This ensures that a coherent, consistent approach is adopted in all year groups. The White Rose Maths Hub schemes of learning reflect the content of the Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals and the National Curriculum for Maths.


The curriculum is broken down into small manageable steps in order to ensure that each lesson has a clear focus and helps children understand concepts by following a carefully planned sequence of lessons. This avoids the cognitive overload that can occur when too many concepts are covered at once and ensures that each lesson contributes to the curriculum's mathematical goals. Within each lesson, children have the opportunity to acquire, practise, apply and deepen their knowledge and skills as appropriate, including through the use of manipulatives. Pupils who understand concepts quickly are challenged by being offered rich and sophisticated problems to deepen their understanding. Concepts are revisited over time so that children can reinforce them and embed them into their long- term memory.


When introduced to a new concept, children have the opportunity to follow the concrete - pictorial - abstract approach. Concrete objects and manipulatives help them understand what they are doing. Alongside these, children use pictorial representations that can be used to help reason and solve problems. Concrete and pictorial representations then help support children’s understanding of abstract methods. 


To best meet the needs of all children, Maths lessons are taught as a whole class. Less secure learners’s tasks are carefully scaffolded, allowing all pupils to access the same learning, with more secure learners provided with opportunities to expand and master their skillset.


Staff refer to the Calculation Policy when teaching formal methods, understanding that sometimes children have their own efficient methods that they employ. Workshops and online tutorials are offered to parents so they can support their child's learning at home.


Magic Maths


Magic Maths sessions are timetabled 4 times per week. These short 10-minute maths blasts improve fluency and revisit prior learning. During Magic Maths lessons, children enjoy songs and the quick pace of activities. Children are not exposed to new learning, and instead provided with opportunities to both master and become more confident in number skills.


Maths Monster (below) often has a problem that the children need to help him solve.


